divendres, 27 de gener del 2012

Exposició "La 'Pepa' i les Constitucions"

La Biblioteca del Col·legi d'Advocats de Barcelona inaugura l'exposició "La 'Pepa' i les Constitucions". Enguany es compleixen els 200 anys de la primera Constitució promulgada a Espanya, la de 1812, més coneguda com 'La Pepa', ja que fou promulgada el 19 de març. La Biblioteca del Col·legi ha preparat una exposició commemorativa que inclourà exemplars de totes les constitucions espanyoles que arribaren a ser promulgades al llarg del segle XIX. La mostra serà inaugurada pel degà Pedro L. Yúfera l’1 de febrer a les 13 hores, coincidint amb Sant Raimon, i estarà oberta fins al 15 d’abril del 2012.

Si no podeu esperar i teniu curiositat en els llibres de la Guerra de la Independència convé consultar la Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimoni Bibliogràfic. Amb motiu del Bicentenari de la Guerra de la Independència, el 2008, es van digitalitzar un gran nombre d'impresos de notable interès.

dissabte, 14 de gener del 2012

Ambassadors of the book: Competences for heritage librarians

An international conference
University of Antwerp
1 and 2 February 2012

The Library and Information Science Department of the University of Antwerp, the Ecole nationale supérieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques ( ENSSIB, Lyon) and Flanders Heritage Library, organise an international conference on the competences that heritage librarians need to face the current and future challenges of their profession.

This two-day conference will take place at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) on Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 February 2012.

The conference is organised under the auspices of the IFLA-Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, the LIBER Steering Committee for Heritage Collection and Preservation, and the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL). The conference will be held in English.

Wednesday 1 February 2012: COMPETENCES

9:00 Coffee and registration

10:00 Welcome by Prof. Alain Verschoren, vice-chancellor of the University of Antwerp

Session 1
Chair: Pierre Delsaerdt, Library and Information Science Department, University of Antwerp

10:10 Pierre Delsaerdt, University of Antwerp, Introduction to the conference theme

10:30 Deirdre Stam, Rare Book and Special Collections Program, Palmer School of Library and Information Science, Long Island University [retired], Challenges for heritage librarians

11:15-11:30 Discussion

11:30 Lily Knibbeler, National Library of the Netherlands, The Hague, 21st-century librarianhood: training specialists or generalists?

12:00 Garrelt Verhoeven, University Library Amsterdam, The text, the book, the collection and its curator. The curator as ambassador of the book in special collections

12:30-12:45 Discussion

12:45-14:00 Lunch

Session 2
Chair: Mel Collier, head librarian KU Leuven

14:00 David McKnight, University of Pennsylvania Libraries, the Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Images, The Bits and Bytes: Digitization Competencies for Special Collections Library Directors and Administrators

14:30 Per Cullhed, Cultural Heritage Library Group, Uppsala University Library, Transience in old and new librarianship

15:00 Claudia Engelhardt and Stefan Strathmann, Goettingen State and University Library, Training needs in digital preservation and curation ? Results of a DigCurV survey

15:30-15:45 Discussion

15:45-16:15 Coffee

16:15 Nicholas Pickwoad, Ligatus Research Centre, the University of the Arts London, An unused resource: bringing the study of bookbindings out of the ghetto

16:45 Mark Purcell, Libraries Curator, The National Trust, ?A Great Number of Curious Books?: Libraries, collections, people and places

17:15-17:30 Discussion

19:00 Conference dinner (optional)

Thursday 2 February 2012: EDUCATION

9:30 Coffee

Session 3
Chair: Trudi Noordermeer, head librarian University of Antwerp

10:00 Susan Allen, California Rare Book School, University of California Los Angeles, Educating heritage librarians on the Pacific Rim: California Rare Book School - the past, the present, and the future

10:30 Hélène Richard, Inspection générale des bibliothèques, ministère de la Culture/ministère de l?Enseignement supérieur, Paris, Education of librarians in heritage matters in France

11:00-11:15 Discussion

11:15 Monique Hulvey, Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon, and Raphaële Mouren, Université de Lyon-enssib, Preparing heritage librarians to welcome readers

11:45 Adriana Paolini, University of Trento, History of writing and the book for children and adults: enhancing rare books collections and the promotion of reading

12:15-12:30 Discussion

12:30-14:00 Lunch

Session 4
Chair: Sylvia van Peteghem, head librarian Ghent University

14:00 Diederik Lanoye, Flanders Heritage Library, The STCV workshop: a practical training in analytical bibliography for collaborators of heritage libraries

14:30 Anne Welsh, Library and Information Studies, University College London, Experiential learning in historical bibliography

15:00-15:15 Discussion

15:15-15:45 Coffee

15:45 Giliola Barbero, Università Cattolica, Milan, Cultural heritage and IT competence at the Catholic University, Milan

16:15 Katie Henningsen, Access Archivist, University of Kentucky, Preparing librarians technologically for the 21st-century library

16:45-17:00 Discussion

17.00-17.45 Conclusions by Michael Suarez, Rare Book School, University of Virginia

17.45 Closing reception

Information and inscription :


Pierre Delsaerdt, Antwerp University, for Antwerp University and Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheek
Monique Hulvey, City Libraries, Lyon, for CERL and LIBER
Marian Lefferts, CERL, for CERL and LIBER
Raphaële Mouren, Enssib, for Enssib and RBMS IFLA